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Ecuador > Cotopaxi > Hotel Hacienda La Cienega

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega

S 0°46.305', W 78°37.171'
Our rating: 7.80
Overall rating:

In Ecuador there are hotels located in the old estates. They are called Haciendaі, which can be translated as a ranch. Overnight at Hacienda La Cienega (booking.com) was a mandatory point in our program.

This is not just a hotel, but also a historic site. The land was bought by a local "Don" in 1695. The area around has many volcanoes and sometimes occur earthquakes. Despite this the estate survived, which is not surprising, because its outer walls have a thickness of more than a meter.

In 1802 in Hacienda stayed famous German scientist Alexander von Humboldt, after whom named the strait and the penguin. Also here were participants of the French expedition, who calculated the location of the equator, the first president of Ecuador Juan Jose Flores and many others. As you see this is remarkable place.

Prices are not high, we paid for our room $100, breakfast included, booked on the official website. The most expensive suite, where stopped the president cost $200, which is really inexpensive. The hotel has a new building, but we asked to settle us in the old building, which is more interesting. At night we used a chimney.

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

On the territory grows a huge amount of different flowers, like in botanical garden.

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

This is not a pool, but rather a pond for the fish.

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

Hotel Hacienda La Cienega
Hotel Hacienda La Cienega ©Yuriy Buriak

By the way, you can visit the hotel without staying overnight. Just dine in the restaurant and take a walk around.

Getting there: Hacienda La Cienega is located 2 km from the Pan-American Highway. You need to turn to the Tanicuchí, the scheme can be found on the official website.

Tags, Ecuador: hotel

Tags, all countries: hotel
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Our rating - 7.80
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Visitor's rating - 0.00
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