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Ecuador > Cotopaxi > Laguna Quilotoa

Laguna Quilotoa

S 0°51.512', W 78°54.212'
Our rating: 7.40
Overall rating:

Laguna Quilotoa is one of the most spectacular places in Ecuador. As you might guess from the photos, the lake is in the crater of an extinct volcano. Volcano last erupted 800 years ago, it is located at an altitude of 3900 meters. We surprisingly feel normal on such height.

The diameter of the lake is 3 km and depth is 250 meters. Water color is very unusual, especially on sunny days, it is a consequence of the dissolution of volcanic minerals. The water level is lowered each year.

You may go down to the water, it will take about 40 minutes. But before book horses from locals to climb up (horses will wait for you downstairs). On the internet we have read that people have booked horses for $25-30 per person. We agreed on $10, so now you know the real price. Remember that on such height it's not easy to go up on foot. Downstairs you can buy water, also there is a small toilet. There are boats for rent ($2 per hour).

You can also get around the volcano, it will take 4-5 hours.

Laguna Quilotoa
Laguna Quilotoa ©Yuriy Buriak

Laguna Quilotoa
Laguna Quilotoa ©Yuriy Buriak

Laguna Quilotoa
Laguna Quilotoa ©Yuriy Buriak

 Going up on horses
Going up on horses ©Yuriy Buriak

Getting there: We strongly recommend to take a day trips from a travel agency, as it's not easy to get to Quilotoa by public transport. There are several buses a day from Latacunga ($2), but schedule depends on drivers. More buses from Latacunga run to town Zumbahua, which is 14 kilometers from the Quilotoa. Then continue on taxi. Latacunga can be reached from Quito Bus Terminal Terrestre Cumandá.

Tags, Ecuador: lake, volcano

Tags, all countries: lake, volcano
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Our rating - 7.40
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Visitor's rating - 0.00
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