Trahtemirivski peninsula is a nice place on the banks of the Dnieper. Its territory of the State Historical and Cultural Reserve "Trakhtemiriv". According to archaeologists here were settlements 120,000 years ago. In the XVI century the village Trakhtemiriv was transferred to Cossacks, they built church, hospital, shipyard and a monastery. Unfortunately. npthing survived, only the numerous Cossack graves .
Even few years ago the entrance to the reserve was limited due to the hunting lodge of politic. However, in 2014 the situation has completely changed and you have the opportunity to see the countryside.
Roads on the peninsula are not in a good contition. If you travel by car then devide peninsula into two parts - left and right. On the left side there is a pretty good road to the villages of Velyki Bukrin and Trakhtemirov as well as to the hunting lodge. On the right side there is road to the village Grigorovka and to unfinished Kaniv PSH. There are no paved roads between the left and right sides, only dirt roads. We drove from the village of Velyki Bukrin to Grigorovka, but if you love your car, don't do this :)
Stopped at the lookout near the village of Trakhtemirov (N 49°58.332', E 031°19.796'). Here in the forest you can find quite a lot of German trenches of 1943. The Soviet army was on the other bank of the Dnieper.
In those years, the river was much narrower. The width of the Dnieper which opens from the lookout is about 8 kilometers. Because of filling the reservoir of Kaniv HPS, which began in 1974, dozens of villages were destroyed. From this point you can well appreciate the extent of what happened.
Unfortunately there are no Beaches, all the banks swamped.
Next went to the hunting lodge (N 49°59.084', E 031°20.173'). For a long time, the area around was closed and guarded. But now the owner run to Russia (as well as other bandits), and the guards disappeared! Everything is abandoned.
And abandoned Cossack cemetery (N 49°58.924', E 031°20.357'), which is a local historic landmark. At the cemetery can be found a relatively recent graves and real Cossack graves of 18th century.
Next we went to the village of Velyki Bukrin where visited ruins of some old estate (N 49°56.703', E 031°18.453'), which will be interesting only to historians. In Soviet times there was a school.
In Grigorovka started paved road and we reached the unfinished Kaniv PSH (N 49°51.168', E 031°27.046'). The road will lead you to a huge concreted area near the water. PSH is located to the right if you look on the water.
PSH need to regulate voltage. It's consumption falls in the afternoon, so during the day, electric pumps will pump water into the lake on the mountain. And in the evening during peak hours, it will fall to the turbines and increase the voltage to the required level. On December 11, 2013 the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the new construction project with a cost of about $1.2 billion. Construction will be continued soon.
But at the moment the territory of PSH more like the set of postapocalyptic movie. Despite the desolation the place is interesting. Of course we do not understand the needs of constructions. For example, Nastya stands above a huge tunnel that goes up behind her.
Approximately 1.5 km to the left of the paved area is picturesque lake Buchak (N 49°51'57.4" E031°26'04.6"). It can be reached by car. Climb the hill, from the top open great views.
This artificial pond will serve as the lower lake, from which the water will be pumped to the upper lake. So hurry up to see it, before construction will continue.
How to get there: From Kiev (Vydubychi bus station) bus runs to the Velyki Bukrin. There are several runs: 7:40 and 15:20 (2 hours 30 minutes to go). Back at 10:25 and 17:40. From the bus stop to the hunting lodge is about 5 kilometers, you can walk. Be sure to take map and GPS.
* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
Our rating - 7.20
Location :
Impressions :
Number of tourists (weekend afternoon) :
State :
Picturesque (for the photographer) :
* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
Visitor's rating - 0.00
Location :
Impressions :
Number of tourists (weekend afternoon) :
State :
Picturesque (for the photographer) :
* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
Comments (Total: 16)
2015-09-18 17:19
# 1 Freetraveler
Эээ... А точно прям 120 тыс. лет назад первые поселения были?)) Говорят, примерно в то время Адам жил...))
2015-09-18 18:40
# 2 Юрий Буряк
2 Freetraveler
Всё верно, первые поселения были здесь в среднем плейстоцене — 120—130 тыс. лет назад. Человек разумный появился 200 тысяч лет назад, так что ничего удивительного.
2015-09-25 20:14
# 3 Angel
"Вся территория вокруг домика выложена плиткой. Зачем было тратить столько денег - не понятно" - это вертолетная площадка.
2015-10-20 11:28
# 4 offset44
есть ветка про эти места на
2016-04-28 14:13
# 5 Дмитрий
Если верить Библии планете всего 6-7 тис. лет.
2016-06-29 11:37
# 6 Viton
там был пионерский лагерь Салют. Папятник солдату- не лес, там был пионерский пост в свое время. Там дальше были корпуса лагеря и неизменный сторож - Дед Прокоп.... Те еще были времена. А домик этот - порождение зла - познее построили.
2016-09-13 01:42
# 7 Texas
А что это за хамство относительно "историков-задротов"??!!! Если человеку интересны старинные здания,то он задрот обязательно?! Вы в таком случае примитивные жлобы.
побывали тут 10 сентября 2016 года. "Домик" сожжен дотла, один остов каминной трубы остался,а вот ресторан не тронули. И в корпусах пионерского лагеря живут люди.
2017-06-02 18:22
# 9 Алексей
Выложенная плиткой площадка предназначалась для посадки вертолета.
Я был в 1999 году на Трахтемирове, ее как раз строили какому-то говнодепутату.
2018-03-18 12:30
# 10 Вовка
Фамилиё говнодепутата Бакай, если кому интересно.
2018-05-02 16:34
# 11 Олександр Надточій
Был на Трахтемирвове вчера. Жаль, но охотничий домик уже полностью развалили, от него остался только фундамент и дымоход. Дерево-тризуб уже немного подросло, по сравнению с вашим фото) А природа там неимоверная.. на озеро Бучак тоже зашел. За день 30 км натоптал и вечером добрался в Канев.
Олександр Надточій,
Хотів би поспілкуватися про Трахтемирів. Як вам написати особисто?
2020-01-14 23:14
# 13 banshee
Почитали бы историков-задротов перед тем как писать свои опусы и постить рожи
2021-04-15 15:52
# 14 Я
К сожалению, всё,что становится общественным, становится ничьим...уже осталось только дерево, каркас ресторана, фундамент домика, беседка. Лестница развалилась, дорожки потихоньку разбирают. Грустно...
2023-02-11 14:17
# 15 Gorretc
На самом деле Человек появлся гОООраздо раньше чем 200.000лет))! Есть сведения, что даже более 1.2 миллиона лет! Смешно)? Ну...кто хочет-тот ищет)!
2023-02-11 14:28
# 16 gorretc
Я тєж хотів би поспілкуватися про Трахтемирів. Як вам написати особисто?
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