Boguslav is a small town in the Kyiv region. It stands on the Ros river and thus you can find scenic spots in the town. The Ros river is famous for its beautiful granite banks.
The town was founded by Yaroslav the Wise in 1032. There's a monument to him in the old town.
There's quite an interesting building near the monument. We haven't seen anything like it in other cities and towns of Ukraine. The stone building of 1726 served as a hotel.
The old town is small, you can see the buildings with the age of more than 100 years. The buildings belonged mostly to wealthy Jews, who used to live in the town before the war.
Several well-known names are related to the town. First of all, it's a folk heroine Marusya Boguslavka (XVII century). She was captured, became the wife of the Turkish pasha and released 700 Cossacks from prison. Monument to Marusya stands in the center of the town, on the banks of the Ros.
Another famous person is Marko Vovchok, an alias of Ukrainian writer Maria Vilinska. Her small museum is located 100 meters from the central square. It is interesting that 150 years ago she visited so many countries and cities that even nowadays it looks unusual. We learned about it from the mini articles in the museum.
Another monument stands in the old town. At the plate the words are written: "I, Marina Gryzun, was killed by the Germans on July 28, 1943. My friends and comrades, avenge me and everyone who died at the hands of the Germans". During the war, a young girl hid and treated Soviet soldiers, campaigned against the occupation. She was captured and tortured to death in the prison. The words were written in blood on the wall of the prison cell.
There's a beautiful rocky place "Yama" (The Pit) about a kilometer from the central square of Yaroslav the Wise. However, we saw this place from the rocks, so they are not in the photo.
By the way, it is curious that a huge statue of Lenin stands on the square of Yaroslav the Wise. When the town received the money for the dismantling of the statue, it was decided to spend it on repairing the roads :)
We also visited one beautiful place just a few kilometers from the town. It is an island in the village of Hohitva (here). There's a small self-made bridge to the island and beautiful scenery around.
я там бывала проездом несколько раз. удавалось прогуляться по городу, особенно мне нравится Рось с ее берегами... а возле автовокзала большие камни, мне сказали что это после ледника остались...
2017-05-08 21:44
# 4 Franklin M. Sterling
My mother was born in Boguslav in 1901. Her father was a bootmaker named Gregor Lapeski. He was killed in the 1905 revolution. Her mother was Dori Lapeskya, who emmigrated to USA in 1911. An older sister, Charlotte was left behind. Is there any data available on this family?
2017-05-08 21:59
# 5 Franklin M. Sterling
A correction to the above, The family name was Lapetesky, My mother was Manya Gregorovnya Lapetskya who died in 1994 in the USA
2018-05-22 18:51
# 6 Валерій
Інформація частково застаріла, а частково не достовірна. Спробує виправити ситуацію. . Кам'яниця не була готелем, а от тюрьмою була. Нині там музей. Головний корпус краєзнавчого музею нижче від кам'яниці на метрів 80. Музей просто таки обов'язковий для відвідування. Там на 2-х поверхах примудрились розмістити 4 рівні. Там же можна і домовитись про індивідуальну екскурсію містом. Якщо ви в місті вперше, то саме таким чином ви зможете його пізнати. І навряд чи це вийде самостійно. Пр М. Вовчок вже сказано, а ще Нечуй-Левицький, (його "Кайдашеву сім'ю" певно всі читали?), І.Сошенко ( той, що Т.Шевченка фактично з кріпацтва викупив), Л.Українка, Шолом Алейхем ( про Тев'є Молочника всі чули?). Це теж все тут, і музеї теж. А ще місцеві гіди вам за бажанням можуть організувати: майстер класи ткацтва, гончарного ремесла, відвідування козиної ферми та сироварні, конеферми та прогулянки верхи, поїзди на гору Тотоха - визнаної місцем сили, єдиним таким в Україні, і багато іншого (від Петриківського розпису до ліплення вареників, рибалки та відміних вечорниць). Велком!
2018-05-22 18:52
# 7 Валерій
А от пам'ятник Леніну таки весною 2014 звалили...
2018-08-06 17:13
# 8 Александр
В раннем детстве с бабушкой был несколько раз в Богуславе. Воспоминания тёплые: Рось, рыбалка с дедушкой (первый пойманный мной пескарь и окунь), мост с механизмами синего цвета.
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