Shatsky Lakes are located in the corner of Ukraine, on the border with Poland and Belarus. Hallmark of the national park is the Svitiaz lake, the deepest in the country, with a maximum depth of 58 meters (the depth of the largest lake in Ukraine Ialpug is 6 meters). Water in Svityaz is very clean, the bottom is visible at a depth of 5-8 meters. Therefore, we are planning to come here in summer to dive.
There are a huge number of tourists camps on the lakes also we saw modern hotels. And also almost all the locals offer guesthouses. Before the trip we agreed our lodging by phone. Double room with private bathroom in a guesthouse cost $17 per day. The price for a somethink like 3 star room with wi-fi should be $35-40. But I am not sure that it will be easy to find the hotel via phone in English.
A couple of restaurants located along the road near the lake in Svityaz. Very good ones are in the heart of Shatsk, we ate there several times.
Despite the fact that the village Svitiaz is 3 times less then Shatsk, which is the regional center, it is located on the lake shore and you can watch a beautiful sunset, which is also a kind of landmark.
Shatsky Lakes offer different recreational options: swimming, fishing, mushroom picking, walks and so on. We were interested primarily in cycling. Despite the fact that the bikes are rented at many places, on the site we could not find them because they were all delivered. In the Internet we found some phones and as a result were able to agree the rent of 4 bikes for the next day. In English it will not be possible, so the best way to find bikes it to ask at the reception of your hotel, they can call.
As it turned out, Shatsky Lakes is a good place for cycling. Primarily due to a completely flat terrain. Good, but not perfect, as there is no dedicated bike paths, you have to go along the roads. We circled around the Svityaz lake (32 kilometers). From the village of Svityaz until the end of the village of Pulmo the road is perfect and almost with no cars.
Next road will go through Shatsk where in the center you have to turn right in the direction of Svitiaz. We we very pleased with the trip and therefore strongly recommend Shatsky Lakes for bike lovers.
Here is website about Shatsky lakes in English - They offer different tours around the lakes. Also you can find here list of guesthouses. Although almost in all cases there are only phone as contact. That is not very good as many people in Ukraine don't speak English. So, you can write a letter directly to the website and ask them about the guesthouse.
Getting there: Kiev connected to Shatsky lakes with a Warsaw highway (turn to the lakes in Lyuboml). We drove from home to home in 6 hours with two stops (550 km). There is no direct road from Lviv. GPS will lead you through Chervonograd (220 km), but do not go there. Normal way is through Dubno, Lutsk and Kovel (370 km) or through Poland.
If you go on the train then stop in Lutsk or Kovel and continue by bus to Shatsk or Svitiaz. Better from Kovel.
* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
Our rating - 6.00
Location :
Impressions :
Number of tourists (weekend afternoon) :
State :
Picturesque (for the photographer) :
* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
Visitor's rating - 0.00
Location :
Impressions :
Number of tourists (weekend afternoon) :
State :
Picturesque (for the photographer) :
* - Note: Description of the evaluation is not always appropriate for a particular object, it's just a little help
Comments (Total: 13)
2014-05-08 18:44
# 1 Ольга
Отдых на Шацких озерах подойдет любителям природы и спокойного досуга. Те, кто любят яркую ночную жизнь скорей всего будут разочарованы.
2014-08-08 12:29
# 2 Сергей
Здравствуйте, подскажите, пожалуйста, какое состояние дороги Любомль-Шацк !?
2014-08-08 12:33
# 3 Юрий Буряк
2 Сергей
Состояние дороги хорошее
2016-01-18 20:53
# 4 rublevskii_2011
Ні разу там не був. Цього року мрію побувати!
2016-06-25 02:43
# 5 Илья
Был в командировке. Самому не довелось, но настоятельно рекомендовали местного угря.
2016-07-21 22:33
# 6 Влад
Всім привіт, на Світязь планую поїхати вже в 4-й раз, дуже чудове та затишне місце, на мою думку цілком достатньо 4-5 днів. Остерігайтесь шахраїв, як на диво особисто з цим стикнувся. Сам по собі я не гультяй, тому про нічне життя Світязя розповісти не можу, але відвідати озеро в ночі рекомендую кожному. Всім чудового відпочику ;)
2017-05-07 20:55
# 7 <a href="">vk</a>
і я мрію там побувати=)
2017-05-30 12:59
# 8 Валентина
Добрый день. А какие примерно цены на жилье/базы/гостиницы?
2017-06-22 21:00
# 9 NoPainNoGain
От 300!грн в зависимости от комфорта
2017-08-12 19:47
# 10 Марта
Ми з чоловіком теж хочемо об'їхати озеро Світязь на велосипедах. Чи можете поділитись схемою маршруту, дати якісь рекомендації
2017-08-12 20:00
# 11 Юрій
2 Марта
Там одна дорога, ви не заблукаете. Якщо сумніваєтесь, завантажте на телефон та мапу Волинської області.
2017-08-15 16:29
# 12 Марта
2018-06-23 15:33
# 13 ната
підкажіть чи є можливість польоту на повітряній кулі
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